Irina Kallaur

Marketing | Branding | Digital | E-course production
Marketing experienсes that combine knowledge and technologies
Marketing, 12+ years expertise
Strategy, competitor analysis, target audience definition, planning, organization and management of advertising campaigns.
Main focus: startups
Branding, 8+ years expertise
Development of product promotion strategy, the formation of product image for communication with the audience, design, corporate identity.
Digital marketing, 8+ years expertise
Internet marketing, determination of promotion channels, development and maintenance of advertising campaign Facebook/ Instagram, targeting, creation of landing pages.
E-courses producing, 4+ year expertise
Development of the course idea, interaction with experts, course methodology, work with the audience, promotion, sales management. Complex "packaging" and launch of any online courses project. Financial profit in 1,5 months.
Education and professional background
  • Graduated from MSU Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Advanced training - National Research University Higher School of Economics, Digital Marketing, 2018
  • Russian, English, Spanish speaking
  • 11 years marketing expertise in Russian and international companies
  • Founder, owner, manager and producer in several online programs and projects
  • Set up over 80 effective Facebook and Instagram campaigns
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